Useful Resources

Gaslighting by Schools

Gaslighting by Schools in General

Gaslighting in Retaliation against Students/Parents

Gaslighting in Disciplinary Actions

Teacher bullying

What is Teacher Bullying?

The Root Cause of Teacher Bullying

Teachers Who Bully Students

Teacher Bullying as Abuse of Power

Teacher Bullying as a Result of Bias and Favoritism

Teacher shames her student on social media

Teachers make the bullying victim out to be the bully

Teacher documents minor or non-existing infractions as behavior issues to get a toddler expelled from preschool

Teacher writes “focus” on the forehead of a student with ADHD while the student is restrained by a peer

Coach-led bullying nearly killed a high school football player

Daniel Clark was bullied in Blue Valley Schools for 7 years

Teacher encouraged “fight club” discipline against his 7-year-old student

Peers gang up on a 13-year-old student and the teacher joins in

The bullying victim speaks in a school board meeting 40 years later to face his bully, who is now the Superintendent

Teacher bullying and racism

District Attorney opens a criminal investigation into the bullying allegations against the high school football coach

Research on teacher bullying

More Resources Will Be Posted Soon

2EK7H7E Bullying in a school classroom